The check engine light for your customers.

Customer-obsessed companies use Sturdy to identify and solve the issues that impact customer satisfaction.

Trusted by leading customer-obsessed companies

We're not AI people looking for a problem to solve.
We're business leaders solving a problem with AI.


Easy to buy. Easy to deploy. Easy to use.


Smash silos. Unlock insights. Drive action.


Built with a privacy, security, and compliance-first mindset.

Customer-obsessed companies use Sturdy to identify and solve the issues that impact customer satisfaction.

First, Sturdy securely monitors all communications from your customers across every channel.

Sturdy then organizes this data set into an unbiased, single source of customer truth. There's nothing to download, install, or remember to BCC. It just works. Simple, smart, and safe.

Next, your team picks the issues that are important to them. 

Your teams now have the insights to improve your product, marketing, services, and processes.

What are your customers saying? Customer conversations are the best source of retention indicators by volume, count, and insight. When you turn their voice into data, the lift is remarkable.

Because customer satisfaction is everyone's job.

Sturdy's business dictionary was developed to identify issues across your business and get them to the people who need to know: sales, marketing, service, and product.

If you think only CS should solve retention, Sturdy is not for you.

Sturdy trained on 100+ million business conversations just like the ones your company engages in every minute of every day.

Sturdy unlocks a new frontier for data-driven customer leaders—the unabridged, unbiased, unsolicited voice of the customer.

Companies that care about customers do everything they can to root cause problems. Imagine having your best people read every email and listen to every call. That's why companies that care about customers use Sturdy.

With Sturdy, we went from largely wasting our most powerful data source, our customers' voices, to creating easily understandable metrics and interventions that everyone in our company can use. It took less than six weeks to see month-over-month retention improve by 30%."
Tony Delmercado
President @ Hawke Media
